It’s The Smart Thing To Do
24/7 Monitoring:
Schools need around the clock security monitoring. Let us monitor your cameras and alarms 24/7 from our Security Monitoring Center located in Arlington, MA. We have no alarm delays, and respond in twenty-seconds or less on average to emergency signals.
Secure Access:
Reliable access to school facilities is a must to keep unwanted visitors out, but also to let students and staff in and out without any difficulty. Our solutions can keep track of who belongs there and who doesn’t through customizable administrative permissions.
HD Cameras:
Always have a good eye on what is going on around school. With live video streams, access to digital video recordings, or remote video monitoring services from our Security Monitoring Center, we can ensure you have every angle covered.
Complete Fire Protection:
Every school must comply with local fire codes, which can be difficult to keep up with. Put your focus elsewhere and let us worry about your fire alarms. We cover every aspect from beginning installations, to routine service tests and inspections.